
Hello world!

Hi, my name is Daniel Ko.

I was born in South Korea and raised in California, and I'm currently studying Computer Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Most recently, I was an intern at Captial One, implementing infrastructure and database as code for the Transaction Intelligence Machine Learning team. Previously, I was an intern at Zendesk, building tools to improve developer productivity in the CI/CD space. I was also Google Summer of Code 2021 Participant for Spinnaker where I worked on a developing a hosted playground version of Spinnaker aimed at new users to test out its UI and core features.

You can tell that I am a huge Dr. Pepper fan by the gigantic picture on this page. If I don't have any Dr. Pepper laying around, I enjoy iced cold brew and sugar free energy drinks. When I'm not thinking in code or in ones and zeros, I love to transcribe and translate music on Genius, play guitar while analyzing chord progressions (the backdoor progression and major 7ths have a special place in my 💖).